Sunday, January 3, 2016

Kidney Disease of Dogs

Kidney disease of dogs can develop gradually, often with symptoms that are easily overlooked. Springing from a variety of causes, kidney disease can be detected by a simple blood exam that a veterinarian can administer once a month. Symptoms of kidney problems in dogs vary depending on the type of complication present, such as viral infections, poisoning, or even cancer. Keeping a close eye on your dog can be one of the best ways to detect kidney failure, but nothing beats a physical exam done once a month. Here are some things you need to know about kidney disease in dogs, and the steps you need to take for treatment and medication.

Symptoms And Prevention of kidney disease:

1. Kidney disease in dogs is of two types, acute renal failure, and chronic renal failure. The former is caused by ingesting poisonous materials. If you have a couple of poisonous components lying around your house such as rat poison or anti-freeze, your dog may have accidentally ingested them. Chronic renal failure, on the other hand, is insidious and hard to determine in their early stages. Caused by a number of underlying complications such as congenial abnormalities, leptospirosis or even cancer, chronic renal failure mostly affects young dogs and old aged ones.

2. Kidney disease in dogs causes a variety of symptoms. The first thing you're bound to notice is the dogs frequent bouts of thirst and urination. Because of the kidneys weakness in processing water, the body signals the brain to consume more liquids, rendering your dog thirsty all the time.

3. Kidney scarring will give your dog a hard and painful time urinating. Excruciating pain will encourage your dog to vomit the water he drinks, so observe carefully for traces of vomit around the house.

4. If not treated early, the complications may begin to get worse. Your dog will start to lose her appetite and look fatigued and weary. Your dog may undergo depression and become extremely lethargic. Try smelling the dogs breath for traces of ammonia. It is at this unfortunate point that your dog has become extremely ill. You should consult a veterinarian at once.

5. Symptoms of kidney disease in dogs vary largely. Some dogs display their symptoms early, while others may look perfectly fine until things begin to worsen abruptly. The first sign of a symptom should be enough for you to take your dog to the vet. Kidney disease in dogs is a very grave matter that requires the attention of a medical professional. Bring a urine test with you on your visit. Remember as well to never deprive your dog of the water he needs, even if he expels them or urinates them indefinitely. Your dog is trying to hydrate his weak kidneys, so water must always be made available.

Prevention is better than cure. In chronic kidney failure and renal kidney failure, the damage is permanent. Kidney disease in dogs does not heal, but fortunately, with a set dietary management strategy, your dog can still live a happy normal life. Ask your vet for diets advised for dogs who suffer from kidney disease. Do not deprive your dog of a longer and healthier life. so protect the kidney disease of dogs.